Benefits of Metabolic Testing in NYC
Metabolic testing can take the guesswork out of weight loss targeting. By pinpointing on some of the key factors, and narrowing down crucial facts; the test allows you to get personalized numbers to reach your goals; whether it is losing weight, gaining improved health or both.
Most of the time, losing weight can be a hit or miss event, but the more informed knowledge you can obtain about how your entire body performs to different settings and how it functions, the less the guesswork is involved. Metabolic testing can be beneficial for a number of reasons.
Before we learn the benefits of metabolic testing, let us understand what it means. Metabolic testing is a process; which measures a person's resting metabolic rate; which is the number of calories burnt during the period of inactivity. Olympic athletes and others who desire to lose weight, quite often use this testing. It is actually very simple - the person breathes into a tube, and the air; which is breathed out is then analyzed to know how much oxygen the body has consumed.
Most people who often encounter shortness of breath find metabolic testing more beneficial than the conventional stress test methods. With the help of metabolic testing, a physician can accurately increase the subject's exertion levels while still pinpointing the person's physiological parameters.
Metabolic testing can also help pinpoint whether the shortness of breath is the result of any specialized or generalized psychological factors, including anxiety, rather than by pulmonary disease, cardiac conditions or vascular problems. Depending on the patient's test report, the doctor could then prepare a custom rehabilitation program catering to the standalone requirements of the patient.
Other benefits include Metabolic testing typically is done quickly; it might take around 10 to 15 minutes and usually involves some form of exercise, including walking. Learn more about metabolic testing from here!
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